
Mars, Inc. sought to understand and map out the potential impact of emerging technologies on their businesses and deliver this to their Chief Customer Officers. They needed a clear vision in order to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving tech landscape.


We collaborated closely with Mars to identify key technological trends and their future implications. Our analysis included, pinpointing relevant emerging technologies, evaluating the potential effects on Mars' operations and market positioning and developing actionable strategies for leveraging these technologies.


Provided Mars with a forward-looking perspective on technology trends.

Equipped their leadership with a clear roadmap to harness new technologies.

Positing Mars to proactively adapt to future technological shifts, giving them a competitive edge.


Knowns (Trends) & Glimpses (Futures)

Now, Next and Future Pathing

Scenario Design

Growth Pathways


Insights into the emerging technology landscape, new strategic way of thinking and new ideas for Now, Next and Future